
Public forum

Wednesday 16 October 2013, 10:00-18:30
European Parliament, Room A3E2 (am) / A5E1(pm)
60 rue Wiertz-1047 Brussels

Thursday 17 October2013, 9:30-12:30
AMARC Europe – 11, rue de la Linière – 1060 Brussels

Today globalization, the growth of the Internet and web-based information is having a direct and detrimental impact on minority languages and linguistic diversity, as global communications and marketplaces require global understanding. Nevertheless, community media are a tool that reinforces pluralism and diversity not only through radio content production, but through participatory and democratic processes that support and reinforce the European identity and cultural wealth through the use and promotion of minority languages in Europe.

The objective of the public forum is to provide an overview of the work for the promotion of minority languages from the community media perspective, best practices exchanges between media experiences of the third sector and the institutional frame put in place by International Organizations with a legislative approach.

Registration and programme for the day can be found here.

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