
Monday, 24th of October General Assembly of AMARC Europe

Rathausstraße 3-4, Halle (Saale)


1.30 p.m. Registration (membership and proxies)

2.00 p.m. Opening of the General Assembly

2.05 p.m. Election of the electoral committee and secretary to minute the meeting

2.15 p.m. Reports from the Executive

3.00 p.m. MEDNET project presentation.

3.15 p.m. Financial report

3.30 p.m. How to move forward (invite to the open meeting on Wednesday morning).

– Motions discussion and vote for the motions

– Presentation of the candidates and vote (secret ballot)

– Election of the new board.

5.30 p.m. Ends

6.00 p.m. Dinner


Tuesday, 25th of October AMARC Conference – Community Media in the Media Landscape

Hallischer Saal, Universitätsring 5, Halle (Saale)

The discussion and follow up workshops will focus on freedom of expression vs. media responsibility, recognition of community media as the third sector in Europe, fair and balancereporting and hate speech. Guests from academia and Vinod Pavarala, UNESCO Community Media chair


9.00 a.m. Opening and greeting

9.30 a.m.

  • Actual state and perspectives – Key note speaker Community Media UNESCO Chairman Vinod Pavaralla, Responses from Judith Purkarthofer CMFE chair, AMARC Europe President. Chair: Sally Galiana.

11.00 a.m. coffee break

11.30 a.m.

  • What makes a radio station a community radiostation – “Community Radio Continuous Improvement Toolkit”, Vinod Pavarala – Introduction Michael Nicolai

12.30 a.m. lunch break

1.30 p.m. Community Radio as a tool in the political landscape. Media Literacy, Article 19, diversity and pluralism

  • It’s all about the dialogue – between participation, initiation and making it relevant. Alexander Vojvoda

Community Media breaking or creating boundaries? Maintaining an area freedom or a tool for participation with societal impact?

  • Media power to the people – get them into it! Perspectives and limits. TBC

Not a mediator, but a medium. This is an open forum where participants can present their experiences on skilling new people into using media as a tool for the development of their communities.– workshop (SMART presentation a.o.) education/training/learning (Eric Lucas, CFME)

3.00 p.m. coffee break

3.30 pm Open Forum. A plan of action for Community Radio. Francesco Diasio (Secretary General AMARC International).

This will allow participants to filter the content of the panel discussions and workshops towards a plan of action. After an initial discussion,participants will be divided in working groups to define a more detailed plan of how to progress in the three areas presented during the conference, and propose new initiatives.

5.30 p.m. Closing Session

8.00 p.m. Radio Revolten Club: Mark Vernon (Performance)

Scotland based radio artist and Radiophrenia head honcho Mark Vernon brings his mix of idiosyncratic documentary and live electronics to the Radio Revolten Klub stage, Rathausstraße 3-4, Halle (Saale)


Wednesday 26th of October Open Board Meeting

Hallischer Saal, Universitätsring 5, Halle (Saale)

9.30 a.m. Open Forum with the AMARC Europe Board. Follow up with the Open Forum.

8.00 p.m. Radio Revolten Klub: SMOO (John Bisset & Ivor Kallin) / The Bureau of Melodramatic Research (Irina Gheorghe & Alina Popa)

Each carry a suitcase of variable contents, with which they improvise extemporaneously ad hoc and off the cuff. You may see them around… Radio Revolten Klub stage, Rathausstraße 3-4, Halle (Saale)