SMART (Specific Methodologies And Resources for Radio Trainers) is addressed to radio trainers in community media and offers selected and valid training exercises and methods even to specific target groups to create radio trainings. It was about producing a training tool that would prevail over time, and no disappear at the end of the project. SMART on-line tool brings together the training experience of community radios but also adapted activities to be used with people with learning difficulties, vision impaired, and migrant women.

 From 17 to 18 October 2019 the team around the SMART Erasmus+ project held a coordination meeting in Aarau, Switzerland with participants from Hungary, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Ireland. The main goal was to plan the next steps for a pilot training in March 2020 and assess the results from the developed training and gain important feedback on the next steps of the development of the training modules.

The project is coordinated by Radio Corax (Halle/GER) and partners with NEAR FM (Dublin/IRE)Antxeta Irratia (Basque/FRA)Radioschool klipp+klang (Zürich/CH)COMMIT (Vienna/AUT)CMFE (Brussels/BEL) and AMARC Europe (Brussels/BEL).