captchaHow can community media best use and develop online archives to more easily share and preserve their programs? Four institutions from Austria, Germany, Hungary and Ireland are developing contemporary archiving strategies for community media in the framework of the EU Culture programme-funded CAPTCHA project. The partners analyse existing strategies, search for best practice examples, and organize workshops and conferences in order to identify innovative solutions for the legal, technical and economic challenges community media face in terms of archiving.

We would like to invite you to follow our activities, participate in our events, and take part in our discussions online and offline!

Please find more information about the CAPTCHA project in the bilingual press release below or on our website  . You can also find us on Facebook at

The first CAPTCHA conference will take place soon! “ARCHIVIA 14: Online Archives for Cultural Diversity in Europe!” will be held on 6-7 September 2014 in the framework of the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria. The organizers invite community media, private and public libraries, museums and archives from all over Europe to take part. You can find more information in the attached open call and on