

On the road to BEIJING+20: An audio series produced by AMARC, in collaboration with UN Women

In September 1995, Beijing, China, welcomed thousands of men and women from all over the world for the Fourth World Conference on Women. Gender equality, the defense of the human rights and human dignity was the focus of the discussions.

After the event, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was approved. It focuses on twelve areas of concern: environment,poverty, education and training, health,armed conflict, violence, economy, power and decision making, institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women, media, human rights, and the girl child.

An audio series

In 2015, 20 years after the Beijing Declaration, it is time to reflect on the progress or setbacks acheived these past two decades. With this in mind, the World Association of Radio Community Broadcasters (AMARC) is producing, with the support of UN Women, an international radio campaign related to Beijing+20. The audio series will offer a comparative perspective between 1995 and 2015: from where we were, to where we are now, featuring stories from participating producers around the world.

The goal of this series is to enhance the understanding of the issues from the Beijing Platform for Action and to highlight what changed for women since the Conference held in Beijing 20 years ago. AMARC feels this is a unique opportunity to generate debate and conversation about empowerement, women’s rights and hopes that it will engage a new generation on these important issues.

Please come visit this page often as it will feature the audio productions and information about women’s issues and the Beijing+20 related activities.

Listen to the audio series, download and share the productions!