AMARC Europe – World Association of Community RadioBroadcasters expresses serious concerns and strongly protest against the closure of the community television La Tele in Barcelona.

“LaTele” spent many years fighting legal and economic adversity it faced since its constitution. Als das Projekt begann im 2003, the Social Communication Assembly worked to achieve a legal framework for community media broadcastingand access to the airwaves. Although the collective was acknowledged by a legal recognition under the category of ‘non-profit media’, in der katalanischen und spanischen Recht erwähnt, the TV never obtained a frequency. The TV has the right tobroadcast but not a frequency duly allocated.

Last 14th June 2013 the transmitter of the community TVstation was closed down following a decision of the General Director of Media of the Generalitat de Catalunya. To proceed to the seal off, am Freitag um 1.30 PM, eine Stiftung der katalanischen Polizei begleitet von einem Telekommunikationsinspektor und ein Techniker kam mit Gewalt auf den Bereich, in dem die Computer befinden. Über 30 Minuten, bevor das Unternehmen verantwortlich für die Sender erhielt einen Anruf, der die drohende abdichten gemeldet. The sealing order addressed to the company recalls the Law 7/2010, von 31 March of General Audiovisual Communication by which can be ordered “the cessation of emissions and the provisional seal of equipment and facilities used for illegal emissions imputed in accordance with the Article 60.1

AMARC Europe – European branch of the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters strongly protest against the closure of LaTele and call the Spanish and Catalan Media authorities to respect European Resolutions and Council of Europe Declarations in respect of pluralism and access to airwaves.

AMARC Europe asks for a serious commitment to fulfil European and International standards about community media access to airwaves for its continuing delivery of social and economic benefit.